Celebrity Interviews

As a freelance journalist, I've interviewed celebrities for various different companies. These interviews have taken place: backstage at concerts, in coffee shops, over the phone or in our very own office at work. When none of the above methods were possible, questions and answers have been exchanged via email. Check out my interviews below.

CelebMix Interviews

As It Is, Ben Haenow, Charlotte OCChris BourneFaulkner, Hands Like Houses, Jake QuickendenNew PortalsRobbi McFaulds, Room 94, Sam LaveryStealthThe Rubens and Vukovi.

OnePopz Interviews

A Great Big World, Amelia LilyAndrew Hayden-SmithBlitz Kids, Eli Lieb, Eliza Doolittle, Elyar Fox, Frankmusik, Hollywood Ending, Ivy Levan, Jack Walton, Kai Owen, Magalie, Mary Desmond, Reachback, Set It Off, The Dirty Heads and Tich.

SuprTickets Interviews

In Hindsight, Nathan GrisdalePridesThe ShiresTom Mann and Barclay Beales.

Gaydio Interviews

This list will be updated when as an when new interviews are published. My interviews with Eliza Doolittle, Frankmusik and Tich were originally for my major project at university but they were later published on OnePopz with permission.