Graphic Design

Over the years, I've used Adobe Photoshop to create hundreds of unique images. All of the original pictures and photography used in my designs are copyright to their original owners and they're displayed for entertainment purposes only. If you want an image to be removed, please don't hesitate to contact me. Some of my graphic design work can be seen below.

CelebMix (2016 - Ongoing)

All of my CelebMix articles feature images created by myself on Adobe Photoshop. For exclusive interviews, I created a template to ensure that they're all uniform. I also made sure that they all conform with the CelebMix colour scheme.


Pixel Kicks (2013 - 2016)

As well as writing for Pixel Kicks, I made lots of images for their websites: OnePopz, and SuprTickets. Most of my articles contained featured images I created by myself and some were even shared by major organisations. The Daily Mail used an image I made for Taylor Swift's single 'Shake It Off' here and many images have been used by official chart companies. I've also designed several promotional posters.

Tardis And Torchwood Treasures (2007 - 2010)

At the age of 14, I created a Doctor Who website titled Tardis And Torchwood Treasures. I updated it daily with the latest news and also made several images on Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Image Ready. I changed the site's main animated banner regularly to coincide with new episodes and special events. Some of the animated banners can be seen below.

Other Images

During university, I created posters for flat parties that we hosted for friends and fellow students. I enjoy making images on Adobe Photoshop and this was one of the many times that I've used the software for fun.